Let's Build ASP.NET MVC - Final Whistle Project

Posted on Friday, September 23, 2016 at 8:15 PM into csharp, tutorial & code by Steve Woods.
Roughly a 2 minute read.

This project is a short tutorial series of about 4.5 hours which shows you how to build a basic website using ASP.NET MVC, Linq 2 SQL and SQL Server.

It has been designed as a tutorial for my son Joshua to follow, as he is currently learning HTML & CSS. He wanted to extend his knowledge and learn how to build a dynamic website powered by a database.

The project takes you through the steps of building a basic version of the BBC Sport Football website (because Joshua is football mad), consisting of setting up teams, matches, match reports and a dynamically generated league table - all built with C# and ASP.NET MVC.

Note: I don't necessarily use best practices in these tutorials - in fact, I should use ViewModel instead of ViewData in most of these examples, but it is a good grounding in setting up a very basic website that interacts with a database in a plausible client scenario.

Enjoy it for what it is :)

Part 1 - Getting set up

This is the introductory video explaining how to get started.

Part 2 - Setting up the database

In this part, we'll learn how to set up the database using Linq 2 SQL and SQL Server.

Part 3 - Adding data to the database

In this episode, we start adding our teams to the database manually.

Part 3.1 - Adding teams via an admin screen

In this episode, we start setting up an admin screen for adding teams into the database

Part 3.2 - Adding football matches

In this episode, we start setting up an admin screen for adding football matches into the database.

Part 3.3 - Continuing to add the match data

In this episode, we continue setting up an admin screen for adding football matches into the database.

Part 4 - Adding match reports

In this episode, we start setting up an admin screen for adding match reports into the database.

Part 5 - Let's pull stuff into the front-end

In this episode, we start pulling in all of the information that we've created in our admin system onto the front-end of the website so that it is automatically updated whenever we add new stuff.

Part 6 - Creating a team page

In this episode, we create a team page which shows all home and away matches for a specific team, as well as a filter to only show historical matches between it and another team.

Part 7 - Cool stuff - Let's create a league table

In this episode, we create a dynamically generated league table based on all of the matches we've entered into the database. We show how to extend the functionality of the website very easily with minimal effort, providing visitors with even more useful information.

That's it!

I hope you enjoyed the tutorial series - watch out for more.



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