22 Results for 'csharp':

Http 500 error when deploying .NET Framework 2.0 application on Windows Server 2012 and IIS 8.5

How to get your legacy .NET application up and running on Windows Server 2012 and IIS 8.5

Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 8 years ago into csharp, code, gotcha, iis & server

Why is System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1 [System.Threading.Tasks.VoidTaskResult]; appearing in my ASP.NET Core Razor Views?

Find out why your partial views output a TaskResult instead of exiting cleanly when rendering themselves into your page

Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 8 years ago into csharp, code & gotcha

SelectListItems not appearing in the Edit view when Scaffolding Controllers and Views with MVC Core in Visual Studio 2015

Easy fix to the bug when scaffolding views and controllers in Visual Studio 2015

Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 8 years ago into csharp, code & gotcha

How to require that a checkbox is selected when submitting a form in ASP.NET MVC

Learn how to correctly validate whether or not a checkbox has been selected when submitting a form in ASP.NET MVC

Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 8 years ago into code & csharp

Let's Build ASP.NET MVC - Final Whistle Project

Learn how to build a basic version of BBC Sport Football using ASP.NET MVC and C#

Roughly a 2 minute read, posted 8 years ago into csharp, tutorial & code

Implementing a PayPal Payment Button with ASP.NET WebForms

How to add a hosted PayPal button to an ASP.NET WebForms page

Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 9 years ago into paypal, csharp, code & webforms

Let's Build - ASP.NET MVC 5 TodoList with Entity Framework and Identity

A simple ASP.NET MVC 5 application development tutorial using Entity Framework, Identity and SQL Server

Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 9 years ago into csharp, code, tutorial & video

How to force lowercase URLs in ASP.NET 5

Learn how to force ASP.NET MVC to generate lower-case URLs on all generated links

Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 9 years ago into csharp, code & seo

How to use Class Interfaces in C#

In this C# tutorial I attempt to explain the concept of Class Interfaces and Inheritance.

Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 9 years ago into csharp, code, video & tutorial

C# Class for Generating QR Codes using the Google Charts API

In this tutorial I will share a class I have produced which wraps around the Google Charts API to generate a QR code in C#

Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 9 years ago into csharp, code, tutorial & video

How to use Constructors and Deconstructors in C# Classes

Learn how to create Constructors for objects in C# using different parameter types, and how to perform actions when the objects are disposed of.

Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 9 years ago into csharp, code, video & tutorial

Unable to add 'Global.asax' to the Web site. An unknown WinINet error has occurred (code 12113).

Find out what to do when Visual Studio reports a WinINet error code 12113 when deploying a website via Web Publish

Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 9 years ago into csharp, code & gotcha

Unable to add 'Global.asax' to the Web site. An unknown WinINet error has occurred (code 12113).

Find out what to do when Visual Studio reports a WinINet error code 12113 when deploying a website via Web Publish

Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 10 years ago into csharp & code

How to validate an e-mail address using C# and the MailObject Class

Find out how to validate an e-mail address using C# and the MailObject Class

Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 10 years ago into csharp, video, tutorial & code

How to get your public IP address using a web service in C#

How to get your public IP address from a web service into a C# Console Application

Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 10 years ago into csharp, video, tutorial & code

TimeSpanExtensions .ToFriendlyString()

A C# .NET extension method showing how to convert a TimeSpan interval into a friendly string format

Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 10 years ago into csharp & code

Code Snipper: TimeSpanExtensions.ToFriendlyString()

A C# .NET extension method showing how to convert a TimeSpan interval into a friendly string format

Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 10 years ago into csharp & code

Including a Day Suffix when formatting a Date in C#

How to format a datetime in C# with a suffix on the day

Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 10 years ago into csharp & code

Custom Authentication Attributes in ASP.NET MVC

How to set up a custom authentication attribute for controller methods in ASP.NET MVC

Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 10 years ago into csharp & code

301 Rewrite Rules can break MVC forms

Why sometimes 301 rewrite rules can break ASP.NET MVC forms

Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 10 years ago into code, csharp & gotcha

PottyMouth - A Simple C# Swear Word Filter

PottyMouth - A C# extension method for filtering swear words

Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 11 years ago into code & csharp

Incorporating common ViewData into multiple Controllers in ASPNET MVC without duplication

Incorporating common ViewData into multiple Controllers in ASPNET MVC without duplication

Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 14 years ago into csharp & code