Ever notice how difficult it is to keep your own content up to date? Here's how I'm trying to ramp things up a little bit.
Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 6 years ago into personal & update
I stopped my fitness regime and I've screwed up the momentum I was building.
Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 6 years ago into fitness & personal
The first weigh in of my fitness journey
Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 6 years ago into personal, exercise & fitness
A live diary of my fitness progress starting off in week 5, beginning August 2018
Roughly a 5 minute read, posted 6 years ago into personal, exercise & fitness
A live diary of my fitness progress through week 4
Roughly a 7 minute read, posted 6 years ago into personal, exercise & fitness
A live diary of my fitness progress through week 3
Roughly a 6 minute read, posted 6 years ago into personal, exercise & fitness
A milestone of sorts. Both personally and professionally.
Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 6 years ago into personal & success
A live diary of my fitness progress through week 2
Roughly a 10 minute read, posted 6 years ago into personal, exercise & fitness
A brief update on last weeks challenge of getting back to a basic level of fitness - week one.
Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 6 years ago into personal, exercise & fitness
Getting back onto the bike after a long hiatus - I'm determined to rescue this waistline of mine from the dreaded "developer spread"...
Roughly a 2 minute read, posted 6 years ago into personal, exercise & fitness
It's not only clients who need to be wary...
Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 9 years ago into personal, opinion & self-improvement
Why raw technical ability has no bearing on whether you're a good programmer or not
Roughly a 2 minute read, posted 9 years ago into personal, freelance & opinion
A picture tells a thousand words - what your website developer does all day
Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 9 years ago into personal & fun
I'm not bankrupt yet.
Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 10 years ago into business, personal & success
A brief overview of my speaking session at FPVHub Northern Meet 2013
Roughly a 1 minute read, posted 11 years ago into personal, speaking, goal & success